Well, it’s time to knock the dust off the blog and get back to writing some. It’s been a little over a year now since I’ve posted anything. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve not posted in a long time but I’m hoping 2019 will be different. I hope to write more and I hope to read more. Over the last couple of years, Goodreads.com has had a reading challenge where you set a goal of how many books you want to read that year and it tracks how many you have read. For the last three years, I have set a goal of 20 books. In 2016 I read 16 books and in 2017 I read 17. 2018, however, was not a good year. I only managed to hit 9. So I want to blow that away this year and reach 20.
Dave Ramsey says that the average millionaire reads 1 non-fiction book a month. Not that I am going to become a millionaire but if you want to be one, you should act like one. Plus reading is just good for you anyway. 🙂
Some of the books that are on my list for this year.
- Soar – T.D. Jakes (currently reading already)
- Finish – Jon Acuff
- Leaders Eat Last – Simon Sinek
- Strategize to Win – Carla Harris
- Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 – John C. Maxwell
- The Power of Your Potential – John C. Maxwell
- How to Lead When You are Not in Charge – Clay Scroggins
- Tribes – Seth Godin
- Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook – BY Gary Vaynerchuk
- Retire Inspired – Chris Hogan
I got most of these at the Willow Creek Global Leadership Conference so I need to have them finished so I can buy more at this year’s conference. I’ll throw in some fiction books as well like some Tom Clancy and Vince Flynn.
Reading more is not the only goal I have for 2019.
- I want to increase my side hustle of website design and maintenance. If you have or need a website, give me a shout.
- Get better focused, again, on my weight. I have gone almost 9 months with no sodas or sweet tea. Now to cut back on sweets.
2019 will also include some traveling as Colby will start doing some college visits. We know of one for sure, Johnson University, and maybe a second in Missouri, Ozark Christian College. I am also planning on going to St Louis in November for WordCamp US and maybe Dayton in March for WordCamp Dayton. Still waiting on the schedule of speakers for Dayton.
So 2019 looks to be another busy year, but it’s all good.