Just me!

Welcome to my little spot on the interwebs!


Thanksgiving 2020

I’ve tried to think about what I wanted to write about Thanksgiving this year. But 2020 has been a year of absolute craziness. My year started off rough with some sickness that just led into the whole COVID pandemic. Our Thanksgiving this year is like a lot of...

What god have you lost?

As most churches, our church had its first online service due to most churches not being able to have services due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our pastor was talking about how the virus has canceled so many things, sporting events, bars, entertainment venues and so on...

2019 Goals

Well, it's time to knock the dust off the blog and get back to writing some. It's been a little over a year now since I've posted anything. Wouldn't be the first time I've not posted in a long time but I'm hoping 2019 will be different. I hope to write more and I hope...
Off to college?

Off to college?

I felt like I left for college again Monday night. After eight years, our family’s time with Pack 45 Cub Scouts ended as the twins earned their Arrow of Light […]

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Long distance dedication

Long distance dedication

Growing up, most of my Saturday’s consisted of a couple of things. Usually going to work for my parents and on the trip to work at at work, you can […]

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Changing Troops

Changing Troops

  Sometimes you just have to back up and punt. Just about a year ago, Colby crossed over into Boy Scouts. After some troop visits, we selected a troop in […]

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Christmas Traditions

The turkey has been consumed and the shopping has started. Yes you may start listening to Christmas music now. With the Christmas season here, our minds start looking spending time […]

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