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The Narrow Gate

Sep 27, 2010 | Uncategorized | 4 comments

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hells is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
Matthew 7:13-14(NLT)

This is a post that I have thought about trying to write for the last couple of weeks but just can’t seem to nail down how I want it to go. So let’s see what happens.

The last year or so has been a mind boggler for me. One thing I have learned is that the path is narrow. It doesn’t take much to fall off of it. Like verse 14 says, the road is difficult. I can vouch for that. I have been trying to focus my walk along that narrow path but the more I focus it seems like the narrower the path gets. When the narrower it gets, the tougher it gets. Another thing I have noticed it that even though the path seems narrower it really isn’t. It’s just the thorns and weeds along the path creep in on the path trying to pull you in to their destruction.

I find the more I focus on God, the more tends to get in the way. I can only conclude that I am on the right path but I need to quit getting distracted and stay focused. So what will it take? What do I need to keep the thorns and weeds away? Like I said the path doesn’t get any narrower and I also don’t think the path is too narrow for just one person. The more I focus on God means that I need more help in my life to keep the thorns away. I need people to walk beside me that will crush the thorns and weeds under their feet while I walk on the unobstructed path.

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Suppers), and to prayer.
Acts 2:42(NLT)

As Acts 2:42 points out, all believers came together to share life with one another. Community plain and simple. But there is more to it than that. It’s great to get a bunch of friends together and talk to each other about what is going on in our lives.

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believers is overcome by some sin, you who are godlys should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:1-2 (NLT)

Galatians has that covered. It talks about helping each other back onto the path. There we are again. Back on the path. It also says to be careful to not fall into the same temptation yourself. Again, we are on the path together. We need to make sure we have someone to walk this path with us. Trust plays a major factor in this. We just won’t open up to anyone nor should we.

We need to know the person that we want to hold us accountable will and that they won’t go blabbing your mess to the whole world. We all mess up. We all make mistakes. We all have issues that we need to talk out to get resolved. That is why we need someone we can trust. Someone we can open up to and talk though the issues of life. Not just someone who will give you a pity party whenever you feel bad. You don’t need anyone who will just agree with you when you try and reason yourself out of sin.

Can we walk this path alone? No. There is no way for us to be able to. With all of the destruction that lay along our path, there is no way we can walk it alone. We can’t watch our left for the weeds on the right will grab us. We can’t defeat the weeds on the right because then the thorns on the left will pull us in. We have to have the accountability. We have to have the help. Who do you have in your life to hold you accountable? What are you doing to find someone you can trust? Are you opening up your life to someone who will help you stay on the path?


  1. Gina

    I enjoyed this Darrell. I know this life is a lot harder when you try to go it alone!

  2. dljordaneku

    Thanks Gina. It is harder to go it alone. God has been trying to beat some sense into me on somethings over the last year and I think I am finally seeing what those are and what I need to do to correct it.

  3. Gina

    Sometimes we just don’t wanna listen to what we really need to do.

  4. Wayne James

    Our enemy has done an excellent job convincing us in the US that we must be the “rugged individualist” in everything. Especially in our relationship with God. This error (lie) is being exposed through the community experiences being found in the church today.

    A modified version of the error is found in some organizations where programs or activities are substituted for authentic community, basically because the organization is afraid of what God may do through those groups! After all, look what happened to the early church! They even had speaking in tongues! 😀

    My experience (and that reported by MANY others) is that a personal commitment to community is a major requirement. With that personal commitment, we will find ourselves searching out others with a similar commitment. We may even pray and ask God to lead us to others with similar passions!

    This seeking of community will probably lead us away from the “traditional” church environment. That becomes emotionally difficult as we must choose a “narrower” path – a path away from the weeds of programs and the thorns of Church control. As you mentioned above, the weeds and thorns are the distractions – whatever they may be – that pull us away from passionate commitment to God and the community of the true church.


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